Have you ever looked up a recipe online, found it on a blog site, and then had to wade through twenty paragraphs of somebody's description of their perfect day and their perfect life just to get to the recipe? Yeah, this isn't that kind of blog. First of all, I don't have a perfect life, perfect days are few & far between, and I definitely don't have time to write twenty descriptive paragraphs about anything!
What will you find here? There will be a little bit of photography, but it's not a photography blog. You'll see some dogs, but it's not a pet blog. I'll share some of my travels, but it isn't a travel blog. You might find a recipe or two, but it's for sure not a cooking blog! It's nothing that will fit into any specific category.
It's Blog Soup! Whatever catches my eye, touches my heart, captures my imagination, tickles my funnybone.....that's what you'll find here.

A view of the Milky Way taken on the side of the road somewhere between Death Valley and Las Vegas.

The most elegant dog I ever loved, Chevy. Gone nearly a year now but still loved.

My quiet spot....I love time in my little garden area.

I DO cook sometimes, and once in a while I'll share a recipe.

People I love and who you're sure to hear about from time to time.

My current pack--Ollie, Jack, and Roscoe The Best Dog Ever!
And that's it.....Blog Soup! I'm your host, and I'm so glad you're here.
