It’s evening, and that’s my favorite time to sit out in my little garden area. The sunlight is soft, the breeze is cool, and the sound of the fountains is so relaxing.
My view to the left…there’s a shy little hummingbird that visits the feeder in the evening.

I love the sunlight streaming in…

My view to the right…the sun is sinking, and the cicadas are singing.

Beside me I have a table full of plants. The little guys are called Split Rocks (Pleiospilos). Aren’t they cute?

And these are Living Stones (Lithops).

I scattered some wildflower seeds in a half whiskey barrel, and they’re starting to bloom.

The hyacinth bean vines are blooming…

And they’re forming a nice screen along the side of the carport.

The big heart shaped leaves are moon flower vines, and they will bloom with large white fragrant flowers in the evenings. When they’re ready.

All the succulents I beheaded in April after they were damaged in a cold snap have rooted.

And I’ve expanded the “nursery” to learn how to get plants from leaves.

The Florida plants Bonnie and Phil sent home with me in March are growing beautifully.

Such a wonderful quiet place to sit.

Love your garden area!!