I just wanna give a shout-out to my hubby, Jamie. I couldn't do the things I do without him. He's my helpmate, my partner, in every part of life.
I had a wedding today, and he attended as my assistant. During the course of the day he loaded the car, he drove me to & from the wedding, he picked up snacks & water for the day, he carried & moved equipment, tested lighting & backgrounds, he captured the attention of a baby during the family photos, he rubbed my shoulder when the pain of a pinched nerve flared, he acted as my ears when I missed important conversation, he made sure I ate, and he cheered me on every step of the way. Not only that, he helped with the wedding by stirring stew when I need all the guys for photos, he carried food into the reception & helped place it on the tables, and he jumped in to action wherever there was a need.
He's my helpmate, my partner, in every part of life, and I'm so proud to have him along with me on my jobs and appreciative of all the help he gives. Everybody loves him. I love him!

I still think you should have him “cloned” 😁