I don't dislike spiders as a rule; I'm a "live and let live" kind of person. I have a little spider living in a corner of my bathroom. He stays in his corner, minds his business, and we get along great. But this guy here....wowser!
I believe this is an orb-weaver and not the biggest I've ever seen. There's a larger one in the backyard by the camper.
This guy has built his web where I have my half whiskey barrel of wildflowers growing. They're blooming profusely, and the butterflies are all over them. I like taking photos there, and I just don't want to see the butterflies trapped in the web. So he will have to be relocated tomorrow. A job for Jamie.
I know Mr. Spider has to eat but not right in front of me.
Get the flame thrower! Call animal control! Call 911! Ick!